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Visiting Ombudsman for Equality (Likestillings og diskrimineringsombudet)

  Mrs. Randi Hagen Eriksrud told us that there are several types of discrimination: it could be based on the gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, ethnicity or disability. The organization operates in five different ways: it helps people who have experienced discrimination; it has lawyers that take care of the cases of discrimination; it ...

Really the 4th power? The Role of Media in Norway

Today we went and met Havlar Tjønn who has been a journalist for 30 years. He is an interesting character and very knowledgeable about the the history os Oslo and the surrounding areas. Halvar was keen to show us around the national library and explain the history behind the building and took us on a little tour. The tour ended in the new area of t...

Knowledge is Power or What Does Climate Change Have to do with Democracy?

What does climate change have to do with democracy? This question was the first that came to our minds when we were given our institution, CICERO (Centre for international climate and environmental research). After, first group brain storming and researching we managed to discover links between climate change within democracy. Having prepared a set...

Day 1: Exploring the Dimensions of Institutional Work in Norway

This whole day was dedicated to interviewing different kinds of people. We started off by interviewing each other aka getting to know each other a little better. After the whole group had been properly introduced including the midnight peers, we got our first assignment! We needed to visit 7 different institutions and ask about their role in the No...

Big Arrival! History Camp in Oslo About to Start

Wednesday – Arrival day. All excited to go to Norway, we finally arrived. At dinner we were almost all represented, apart from 4 people, who had a very late flight. We all looked at each other with curiosity and we talked on and on and on… We found out that even though German participants had the biggest sub-group, there were also a lot of other in...

East Germany’s Secret Police Files – who Owns the Past?

  June 2014: the Koerber Foundation and the The Federal Commissioner for the Records of the State Security Service of the former German Democratic Republic invited 36 winners of the German Federal President’s History Competiton to learn about the lives of young people who were targeted by the secret police, to visit the archives, talk to...

„No Freedom Without Solidarity“ – Impressions of a German Student From a Multinational Celebration Ceremony in Poland

On June 4th, 2014, the Presidents of Germany, Poland, the Slovak Republic, the Czech Republic and Hungary commemorated the start of the Peaceful Revolutions in Eastern Europe twenty-five years ago. Twenty-five university students born in the year 1989 were invited to attend the event in Warsaw. Sarah Grandke, who won several awards in the German Hi...

“They all Fell, one After the Other”: Interview With Prof. Lucian Boia

Finding Personal Relevance in the Centenary of World War One “It is always easier to understand a historical event if you try to find a personal connection to it. When thinking about the century that passed since World War One (or soon-to-pass, rather), the first thought that crosses my mind is the temporal distance that separates me from the...

Between Propaganda and Historical Truth

  You can tell that the 100th anniversary of World War One (WWI) is approaching by observing the growing number of recent publications on the topic or by following the numerous debates about the reasons for the outbreak, about responsibility and guilt or about the impact of WWI on contemporary Europe. However, these debates look very different...

“The Relations Between Ordinary People Matter More Than Political Decisions.” Anna from Russia About What Makes her Feel European

EUSTORY is not the ordinary type of project. What distinguishes its Academies from other seminars and history forums is the strong bond they create among participants from all ages and origins. EUSTORY is not only a place to learn history facts, but it also gives the opportunity to establish long-standing friendly relationships. This might seems to...

Let’s get Started!

Each year, more than 10.000 young people from all over Europe examine and reflect aspects of their local history by taking part in one of the activities of the Körber Foundation and its partners in the field of history and civic education.  With the Young History Forum we want to offer young Europeans involved in those activities a forum – to apply...

Europe 14/14

History matters – especially this year! The 100th anniversary of the outbreak of World War I and respective collective memories are not just visible in TV documentaries, exhibitions and theater plays but will be celebrated with a big European festival “Europe 14|14” in Berlin. On the occasion of the centenary of the outbreak of th...

Stereotypes in a historical context

In September 2013 young Europeans from 15 different countries met at the EUSTORY-Academy in Ronda, Spain, reflecting the construction and deconstruction of stereotypes.  During the First World War the battlefields were not the only place where the battles took place. The appearance of mass media allowed for states and societies to form pre-con...

Shifting borders – Changing Lives

2014 marks the Centenary of the First World War, a war that changed Europe as it was and had huge consequences for millions of people. Once great and extensive multinational empires slowly shrank in the course of history and new nation states were created. People living on the very same territory sometimes changed their citizenships multiple times ...

From childhood tales to a historical research work

Author: Noelia Blas GuillĂ©n Country: Spain Competition Topic: “My Family in History” (2012) Research Title: “Tales of My Childhood.” Noelia loved the times she stayed at her grandparents and she loved to listen to the stories they told her. When she got involved in a school project about the democratic transition of Spain fr...