This is a space for young perspectives on current events, identity, history and its relevance for the present.
The EUSTORY History Campus gives voice to personal stories and perspectives on history and identity of young Europeans. It was initiated by Körber-Stiftung and the EUSTORY Network to show the interplay of history, society and current politics in order to achieve a sense of responsibility for a common Europe.
Critical thinking, creative approaches and the curiosity to develop new attitudes towards historical and social topics unite young people from more than 30 countries.
On the public blog young EUSTORY History Campus authors publish articles, opinion pieces and personal stories about topics related to history, society and identity.
During EUSTORY Summits, History Camps and online projects organised by Körber-Stiftung and EUSTORY, prize winners from EUSTORY history competitions meet and work together to use history as a laboratory for international understanding.
Editors' Group

The Editors receive coaching by journalists, set the agenda for the blog and support authors in the writing and editing process.
EUSTORY is an informal, international network of non-governmental organisations carrying out historical research competitions for youth in 25 European countries. It creates space for encounters and facilitates dialogue on shared European history and future in regular international youth seminars. Eventually it promotes the significance of history for a common European future through international conferences and workshops. EUSTORY was established in 2001 and since then more than 200,000 young Europeans participated in national EUSTORY history competitions. The EUSTORY prize winner activities and meetengs as well as EUSTORY Alumni projects set the basis for the EUSTORY History Campus. For more information see http://eustory.eu/about-us.html
Colloquial description for participants of EUSTORY activities and members of the network.
Click on Register and create your account by choosing a username and a password. Please, fill in the form as well. Only your name, place of residence, languages spoken and current occupation can be seen by other members of the platform. They are invisible to visitors of the website who are not registered for the internal part of the platform. Other personal details can only seen by administrators of the platform. At the end of the registration process you have to solve the small arithmetic to get the anti-spam code. After you received a confirmation via email, you can login.
All former participants of EUSTORY or Körber Foundation activities. Participants from partner organisations who participate in EUSTORY events can also become a part of our alumni network.
The EUSTORY History Campus is a platform for young Europeans who are interested in history and want to enter into a dialogue about history with their peers. In the public section of the platform we post articles about selected topics related to European history and identity. On this platform we also offer seminars and workshops for young Europeans from our networks and provide a safe space for exchange and discussions in the password-protected area and closed groups on our platform.