EUSTORY Youth Activities 2021
In 2021, EUSTORY organised two digital programmes for young people from Europe and beyond to work on questions of history, identity and their perspectives on the past and present. For a duration of several weeks, 38 participants from 19 countries proved: A cross-border online collaboration can lead to impressive results!
#30PostSovietYears: Phantom Pasts or Everyday Present?
(18 August – 2 October 2021)
Thirty years after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and socialist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe, young people with a biographical link to these regions reflected on their affiliations with the past theoretically and practically. By exploring physical and mental traces of Soviet and East European socialism(s) in different countries, the participants reated a multimedia magazine reflecting how differences in legacies and identities materialise in urban landscapes across the post-socialist space.
Click through their multimedia zine here
The Language of Democracy
(4 September – 30 October 2021)
The digital programme “The Language of Democracy”, which used the educational method of Betzavta, offered a space for young Europeans to experience conflictual situations within a group and learn to democratically cope with dissent. With history as a starting point, and by engaging with different perspectives on specific intercultural conflicts, participants developed a tool kit for a peaceful and democratic togetherness in a multi-cultural, multiperspective world.
Check out some workshop videos here