More creative, more interactive, and more digital – with this goal in mind the eleven young editors of the EUSTORY History Campus Blog adopted this year’s thematic agenda. During the annual editorial workshop, which took place in Hamburg from 6 to 9 February, they were introduced to exciting new tools for their work.
The editors will work with promising digital tools: in addition to interactive maps, photo sliders, moving gifs and “historical” tweets, there will soon be other interactive formats and non-linear storytelling. In so-called text adventures, readers become actors and can influence the course of history by making their own decisions and thus, for instance, shape the development of the European continent.
The contributions to the EUSTORY History Campus Blog will again be very personal this year, illustrating the diverse perspectives of young people from all over Europe and providing insights into national debates that often enough remain hidden.
Liliana’s colleagees on the editorial team this year are Antonius (Germany), Jakob (Denmark), Rusudan (Georgia), Maria (Sweden), Phillip (Germany), Miguel (Spain), Taras (Ukraine), Decho (Bulgaria), Neasa (Ireland), Trixi (Germany) and Kate (Ukraine). This diverse team is coordinated by the experienced editors Gregor (Germany) and Milena (Serbia) and gets editorial support from German journalist Clemens Schöll.
If you are a young European with an interest in writing, please get in touch with us. The team is always happy to welcome young authors with fresh perspectives and exciting personal approaches to questions of history and identity. Every autumn you have the opportunity to apply for participation in the editorial team. The announcement will be published here on the EUSTORY History Campus.