Home » Projects » Online History Camp 2020 “Don’t Look Back in Anger! Coping With Painful Pasts”

Online History Camp 2020 “Don’t Look Back in Anger! Coping With Painful Pasts”

broken gravestone on the ground
Gravestone (Photo: Heidi Bartsch)

From Mid-October to the end of November 2020, the Online History Camp brought together 16 young prize winners from the national history competitions 2019/20 in Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine to discuss their shared European past, present and future. The participants worked jointly on the topic of memory and on the question of how the past still influences the present – of individuals, families or even whole societies.

For this purpose they conducted assisted research projects in their private and local surroundings and discussed their competition works with regard to the question of how the people they interviewed coped with the difficulties of their time and what could be learnt from their experiences. During online sessions, also experts from different regions of Europe gave examples of other painful pasts – and of ways of overcoming them. What can we do – as individuals, as a country and as a society – so that we don’t look back in anger?

Check for the participants’ personal stories about how to cope and overcome painful pasts of their families or countries!


The Online History Camp forms an integral part of the international cooperation project “History Competitions in Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine 2”