To dream about a bike, to lose a bike and to keep a bike. Three interviewees from the same Ukrainian family narrate different stories in center of which there is a bike. By doing so, these stories also provide a glimpse on life in the first few years after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
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Project Description
When Olga, a participant from Ukraine, was interviewing her family members about their life in the beginning of the 1990s, all three interviewees shared different stories related to a bike. One of them was dreaming about a bike, another one lost it, and the third one managed to keep it up to now.
This was how Olga came up with the idea of taking a bike as an object triggering memories. She took a picture of her grandmother’s bike, as she was the only person out of three respondents who had a bike at her disposal. According to Olga’s idea, the photo should capture the bike casting a shadow which alluded to unrealized dreams that the two other interviewees speak about.
This interactive photo contains all three stories which you can read by clicking on the green circles.