Phillip (Germany), Miguel (Spain), Julia (Switzerland) asked participants of the EUSTORY Summit 2019 about the very personal meaning of "change".
Joschka Fischer, once perceived as symbol of a new political era, is now writing books and giving speeches on political crisis, the West without a leader, democracies in danger. For younger people, he is already part of ... (more)
25 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Anna from Moscow finds herself caught in the middle of a heated debate in her family: the life during the Soviet Union - lack of personal freedom or a system of security a... (more)
What exactly is going on in Britain? What are young people thinking about Britain’s future after the BREXIT-referendum? We decided to activate our European network and #CallBritain to ask two young voters to tell us abou... (more)
What exactly is going on in Austria? What are young people thinking on the candidates and Austria’s future? We decided to activate our European network and #CallVienna to ask two young voters to explain their choices. T... (more)
Can you imagine going to the toilet in the middle of the night and seeing something that will change your life and your country forever? The 8th of May marks the 71st anniversary of the end of the Second World War in Eur... (more)
Andreyan from Bulgaria tells about the metamorphosis of his attitude after meeting a 70 years old women from a polish village.
Andreyan from Bulgaria tells about the metamorphosis of his attitude after meeting a 70 years old women from a polish village.
What is the price of democracy and who has to pay it? Is the EU an economic union or a physiological unity? After the Greek referendum Milan from Serbia shares his considerations on democracy.Â
 1989 marked a change of epoch in Europe. Twenty-five years ago, the peaceful revolutions in Eastern Germany and Europe saw the fall of totalitarian regimes and borders. Like in a relay, the movements for freedom and in... (more)
There are so many present problems and pressing issues which are linked to World War I, the prime catastrophe of the 20th century. At the same time it shows that hardly anyone learns from history. Haris Huremagić (20), a... (more)
Twenty-three young Europeans from 12 countries met in Oslo for the Eustory History Camp “National Constitutions and European Democracies in Times of Crisis”. Read how participant Jan Schmelter (19) reflects o... (more)
Twenty-three young Europeans from 12 countries met in Oslo for the Eustory History Camp “National Constitutions and European Democracies in Times of Crisis”. Read here from their daily blog.
Twenty-three young Europeans from 12 countries met in Oslo for the Eustory History Camp “National Constitutions and European Democracies in Times of Crisis”. Read here from their daily blog.