One of the results of the seminar about populism and challenges to democracy was the seminar magazine:Â Aequis Libertas Other results will soon follow!
25 young Europeans from 13 different countries met; and 1 weeks in 2 different cities, 1 fable, 2 songs, 3 videos, uncountable group work sessions, simulations, discussions, potatoe dinners later: an inseparable group of... (more)
Yes. So today we went to the supposedly most beautiful school in Estonia. Again. For the fourth school in a row. The only difference was perhaps that this day I can impartially and partially say that it actually was true... (more)
On the very sleepy Wednesday morning we were walking to the Tallinn’s train station to drive to Tartu. Most of people were using this time to get some sleep but some of us worked on our project or went to get a coffee. ... (more)
It did not take us very long to reach several conclusions on the city of Tallinn; that it’s beautiful, that its inhabitants are warm-hearted and that they are crazy about potatoes with pork on the side (no, not the other... (more)
Presenting the school and students. Welcome to Tallinna Reaalkool! Although the way to the school was rainy and glum, our expectations were much more bright. We got what we wanted – interesting people (some of whom we ha... (more)
…was the German Institute we worked in today. Dear readers, be prepared for a long post. So many people, so many countries, so many expectations, so many flights but we all had the same goal: arriving in this beaut... (more)
Writing this post as there’s just one more participant to arrive, one could say that the Tallinn 2012 academy is already a success  – it’s day one and people are dancing after dinner. Well how could you... (more)