This whole day was dedicated to interviewing different kinds of people.
We started off by interviewing each other aka getting to know each other a little better. After the whole group had been properly introduced including the midnight peers, we got our first assignment! We needed to visit 7 different institutions and ask about their role in the Norwegian democracy – which was not always an easy task! Some went to Gyldendal (publishing house), some to Cicero (climate research) and others to LO (the labor union).
The person we were going to interview should also tell us 3 words that he/she associated with democracy – this was harder than expected, some had to think really hard.
After some hours of research the groups could go to their destination on their own. We were all able to follow the maps, but some had trouble finding their way back to the hotel. Another challenge on the way back was to ask 10 random people to name their 3 associations with democracy too. This was not easy, as some people suddenly got very busy! You can find these associations summed up in an tag cloud soon!
Luckily everyone returned safely with a lot of footage and information. We spend hours preparing our presentations with all the information that we had collected – doing our best to impress Tina, Karsten, and Jørgen – but of course as well also the other peers and to answer the leading question about the role of that institution for Norwegian democracy. That resulted in some very detailed presentations, so everyone is exhausted now and almost asleep.. zzzzzz… Presentations from that visits are up on the blog next.
Kristine (Denmark), Gregor (Germany), Mette (Belgium)