Home » Seminars and Projects » History Camp Oslo 2014 » Simulating Politics: City Council Meeting in Sleepyville

Simulating Politics: City Council Meeting in Sleepyville

City council of Sleepyville

How hard it can be to come to a consensus when different political interests are involved was the lesson of this afternoon. The participants of our History Campus had to simulate a city council meeting where they had to decide whether a mosque should be built in the fictive town of Sleepyville. One Mayor, 4 parties and 5 civic society institutions debated and voted in the end.

Hard-working journalists Huw, Hannah and Dorin

Hard-working journalists Huw, Hannah and Dorin

Luckily for us, three journalist were present and working in real time. You can read their reports here






Bildschirmfoto 2014-08-30 um 12.45.34Sleepy TimesBildschirmfoto 2014-08-30 um 12.42.42