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#CallNetherlands: Elections in the Netherlands – end of EU as we Know it?

2016 saw the rise of populist leaders in Europe and beyond. Can this year be worse? The elections in the Netherlands might be a first thumbnail on Europe’s future. Two Dutch women share their political perspectives with us. The Netherlands are going to vote Wednesday, 15th March. Economic growth, rising living standards and shrinking numbers of une...

Ignorance or Just a Different Perspective?

27th of January. International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Gregor (Germany) shares his thoughts on the art project YOLOCAUST.

The Sound of Childhood

Grandma’s old record player and a collection of vinyl records, encompassing variety of genres, from poems, operas to pop songs, gave sound to Elena’s early childhood in Russia. And how does a memory of your childhood sound like? Nostalgia in Sound: The Timeless Charm of Vinyl Records Once I accidentally clicked on the drive button on my...

More Freedom of Choice or a Vacuum of Values?

25 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Anna from Moscow finds herself caught in the middle of a heated debate in her family: the life during the Soviet Union - lack of personal freedom or a system of security and solidarity?

Rallying for the Reconquista – Incognito Among the Identitarians

After a long camapaign the Austrian Voters finally elected Alexander von der Bellen as the new president. The candidate of the far-right party FPĂ–, Norbert Hofer, got more than 46 percent of the vote. With this, the FPĂ–, a party which is strongly connected with the new emerging right-wing movement of the Identitarians, has found its path into the c...

#callItaly: Constitutional Referendum – Shifting Power and Supporting a Gang of Mayors and Regional Presidents?

Voters in Italy will have to decide about a constitutional reform on December 4th. The referendum, strongly supported by Italian PM Renzi, results in heated debates, also in our #callItaly, where our young voters share their fears that it will shift powers away from the parliament or will weaken Italy’s position in the EU.  “Cara Italia, hai ...

Kaliningrad: A Model Region?

Young EUSTORIANS interview Paulina, who regularly crosses the border between Kaliningrad and Gdansk, about the current tensions between the two countries and their impact on the region.

@work in Tbilisi: Discovering Differences and Similarities

What are the best ways to deal with identity and nationalism in Europe? During the History Camp in Georgia, 25 participants from 16 different countries gathered in Tbilisi to exchange their ideas on nationalism and European identities. Furthermore they presented their findings on personal and regional history. “There are many things to do: at the e...

#callGreece: Dignity for Citizens and Refugees?!

In the last months it has become quite silent on Greece media-wise. But is the less coverage also connected to the most urging issues in the last years – debt and refugees? We decided to activate our European network and #CallGreece to get some insights in the actual happenings. Greece in the Spotlight  After being in the news headlines due t...

Where Were you When…9/11 Happened?

On September 11, 2001 a terrorist attack shook New York, the USA and the entire world: Two planes were directed into the World Trade Center in New York City killing and injuring thousands. It was a watershed moment. 9/11. In 2016 junior year high schoolers will be taught about the act as a historical event that they weren’t yet alive to witne...