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100 Years After: The Name of Death

It was one of the biggest pandemics of all time. It is said to have killed millions by spreading on all inhabited continents within just one year – the Spanish flu caused fear and despair all over the world. But how is it perceived today, 100 years after the big catastrophe? And why is it called ,Spanish’? To find answers, our author Phillip spoke ...

Where Were You When… the War in Ukraine Began in 2014?

The conflict between Ukraine and Russia is back on the international agenda.On a political level, we can trace all the steps in the series of armed confrontations. But how do young people experience these times? We talked with the young Ukrainians who were directly affected by the incidents five years ago: How did they experience the beginning of t...

tweet; Paris Peace Conference

1919: A Special Blue Carrier Pigeon of Peace

How to lose one third of your empire in 140 characters? Today we can hardly imagine the political sphere without daily tweets and constant online communication. Imagine how political life and our world would have looked if social media existed 100 years ago! What insights could we gain, which are different from the usual official statements? We are...

What if … You Were Drafted to Defend Your Country Tomorrow?

Over one hundred years ago, many of our ancestors couldn´t wait to fight for their country. Some even volunteered to go to the front. With the memory of two world wars and countless military conflicts, the attitude towards defending your country as a soldier might have changed. We asked participants of the EUSTORY Next Generation Summit how they wo...

Passports from all over the world (photo: Baigal

My Life Without a National Identity

Maria from Sweden wonders whether all this hostility in the debates about how the respective national culture should be defined is necessary at all as she lives perfectly happy without a national identity.

Körber History Forum

Understanding History and Experiencing the Past

In early summer the third Körber History Forum (KHF) took place in Berlin, Germany. It brought together 200 leading actors from politics, science and public life, intellectuals and opinion leaders from Germany, Europe, and the Middle East. Our author Linn Kreutschmann shares her impressions and thoughts while attending it, reflecting on how the rec...

A Map of Friendship

During international seminars and History Camps you can meet people from all over Europe and form intense friendships. After these events distance and new circumstances sometimes present a challenge, even for the closest friendships. In his MEMORY SUITCASE Phillip shares his experience in making cross-border friendships and reconnecting with them y...

Google + Edmodo

Happy Birthday, Google! Can the Search Engine Replace History Teachers and Libraries?

What is our first thought when we don’t know something? “Just Google it up!”. Google will celebrate its 20th birthday this year and it is undeniable that the search engine occupies a prominent role in our lives. But could Google (and technology in general) go further and completely replace libraries, archives or even teachers by becoming the sole i...

A Memory you can Wear

Jonas from Denmark ponderes the question which item carries the most meaning and memories of his own story.

Abortion in Ireland: the Upcoming Referendum

Pro-Choice or Pro-Life? This divisive question concerning women’s reproductive rights is taking centre-stage in Europe: In March 2018, ten thousands took to the streets in Poland protesting against the toughening of the already strictest abortion laws in Europe. At the same time in Germany a heated discussion is going on about the laws governing th...

Graffiti in Tunnel

#livingFlorence: Choir and Constitution

The EU Commission is planning to treat young Europeans to free Interrail tickets to promote first-hand experiences of different countries in Europe. Gregor, a student of political science and history from Germany, did not wait for this new programme to start. He just returned from a six-month study trip in Florence and reflects on some of his exper...

From South to North: new-old European Winter-Time Recipes

Christmas stories and recipes from Europe and beyond to make you laugh and that will keep you warm during the cold winter days. Are you into baking? Try these recipes!

Editors’ Diary. A day in the Life of a EUSTORY History Campus Editor

In December, the EUSTORY History Campus Blog is calling for new members of its Editors’ Group. Do you want to know what the work of an Editor for the blog looks like? Gregor, Editor since 2015, gives some insights into a typical month of an Editor. 1st of March: Our coordinator is asking us for a possible editor’s video conference of this mon...

Catalonia: Outbreak of Illegal Nationalism or Oppression of a Democratic Movement?

People being beaten up by the police just for trying to vote, a government which declares a referendum binding even though parts of the electorate where not able to vote and a large number of ballots where confiscated, and finally nearly the whole democratic elected government either in prison or in exile – the events around the Catalan independenc...

Coalition for Some Brighter Future?!

Losses for both governing parties, right-wing-populists for the first time in the Bundestag (parliament) – the results of German elections some weeks ago remained issue of many debates. But what about the future government? Gregor is sharing some of his thoughts and opinions on this issue. GroKo is dead. The ‘Große Koalition’,  a coalition of Conse...