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Editors’ Diary. A day in the Life of a EUSTORY History Campus Editor

In December, the EUSTORY History Campus Blog is calling for new members of its Editors’ Group. Do you want to know what the work of an Editor for the blog looks like? Gregor, Editor since 2015, gives some insights into a typical month of an Editor.

1st of March: Our coordinator is asking us for a possible editor’s video conference of this month. I check my schedule and fill in the Doodle. Afterwards I am getting back to one of my articles I am currently writing – it is on my experiences abroad in Italy. Hope to finish it within the next days.

5rd of March: Finally, I get to finish the article. While it is already send to our journalistic advisor for a check, I am looking for fitting images and links for the background information. I receive the mail that our video conference is supposed to be in three days, 21.00 ‘German time’.

“Feeling the pulse of Europe” – Milan

8th of March: I am preparing some notes for our editor’s conference. What are actual projects? What is to be issued organisation-wise? Is there anything to plan longhand? I remember that I need to contact one of my authors. She promised me a contribution for two days ago… But now the call is starting. After some technical issues (like always) and a warm hello to everyone we are discussing the articles to be finished in the next month.

I give in my piece on Italy that I finished some days ago and we decide that it might fit in about a week. Furthermore I issue that I am looking for an author writing on current happenings in Estonia – and get two possible contacts. After deciding on actual projects, we are as well discussing organisation issues such as unavailibilities and upcoming events. After the call I am writing my author again for the promised text…

A MIxture of Emotions

12th of March: I am receiving my edited article on Italy – and unfortunately a mail by the Estonian author. She won’t be able to write it this month because of university issues, but is asking me to re-contact her afterwards. Let’s see, if we’ll have that article. In the evening I am introducing the changes to my article, afterwards I am inserting it in the backend of the blog and ask for the confirmation to publish it.

16th of March: My article is published. Having shared it in social media, I finally get the opportunity to contact my possible authors for Estonia. Shortly later I get the first response: She is interested in contributing! We agree on a skype call to talk about a possible format and focus of the contribution.

20th of March: Skype call time. After discussing the possibilities with my new author and sending her the principal material (guidelines etc.) we agree on a date for a first draft: In one week. I am satisfied and optimistic regarding the possible contribution.

A Motivating, European Experience

26th of March: A week nearly without the HistoryCampus – I’ve just been checking our Editors forum and reading the new contribution published by one of my colleagues two days ago. But now I receive the first draft of the Estonia-contribution: Contentwise I am really satisfied, but the structure is still making me worry. How about putting the centre-paragraph in the beginning? Couldn’t we make this fact a bit catchier? I send my editing suggestions to our journalistic support, hoping for some additional remarks.

29rd of March: After another review it’s now time to give the article back to my author – I am already curious how she will like the changes. I am as well asking for images, because they were missing that topic before.

3rd of April: Incredibly fast I receive the new version of the Estonia-contribution. Now it is ready for publishing – I prepare it in the backend and ask another time for a publishing confirmation.


You think about joing the Editors Group? Check out our Editors Call.