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75 years after the end of World War II: How is the history of the war related to our lives today?

The Art of Remembrance: Coping with the Legacy of Perpetrators in History

With each passing day, we have less and less of a connection to what came before us. History needs to be re-narrated consistently if we want to save it from oblivion. The legacy of perpetrators in history is an issue tha... (more)

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The “Re-Unification” Belt. When Human Solidarity Overcomes Military Division

Remembering World War II is difficult in many countries. In Italy, however, the narration of “us” against “them” is even more difficult, since the country was not occupied by enemies, but Benito Mussolini was a strong al... (more)

When the Tanks Broke Free

Marching soldiers, cheering crowds, tanks and cannon fire. The martial and enthusiastic manner of the May 9 parade in St. Petersburg, celebrating the victory over Nazi-Germany and the end of World War II, reminded Daniel... (more)

From Homeland to Home

Can you imagine going to the toilet in the middle of the night and seeing something that will change your life and your country forever? The 8th of May marks the 71st anniversary of the end of the Second World War in Eur... (more)

European Opportunity Gone Wrong: Polish Troops in Germany?!

Explore the forgotten history of a Polish occupation zone in post-WWII Germany in Haren an der Ems. And why should we remember it?

Where do I belong to? The issue of identity of war children in post-war societies

The first victims in every war are the children. Milena, a 28 year old student from Serbia, is interested in the long shadows of World War II on people who had experiences it being young. From the panelists of a Remembra... (more)

Pig-Potatoes and New Homes – Children of War Shared Their Stories in Berlin

Gregor, a 18 year old history student from Germany, attended the Remembrance Day “Children of War in Europe” at the German Historical Museum in Berlin on May 4th 2015. He caught the day’s atmosphere – and found inspirati... (more)

Hilda’s voyage: An amazing trip during Second World War?!

Since months the fate of thousands of refugees on boats calls for a European solution. How different the fate of a refugee on a boat could turn out reveals Hilda Ketels. As a twelve-year-old she escaped the German invasi... (more)

Group photo EUSTORY History Camp "Tuscany 1944 / 2014" | Photo: Katja Fausser

War Crimes in Tuscany in 1944 – a Historical Exploration

A group of young German and Italian students met in Castelnuovo Berardenga in Tuscany for eight days of intensive digging into a dark chapter of the local German-Italian history: The German massacre at the end of World W... (more)

Day 4: From 500 to 155 questions

Between 400 and 500 interview questions were written this morning for “our” witness. After throwing away some of them such as  “How was the weather like during three years?” (Kaspars was proud of it) we took 155 and the ... (more)

Exile stories VIII: Deportation and Exile, randomly chosen?

Tamara from Slovenia interviewed her grandmother about her experience of deportation during WWII. I was firstly acquainted with the topic of exile when I was a little child, since my grandmother experienced forced exile ... (more)

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