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75 years after the end of World War II: How is the history of the war related to our lives today?

Out and About: Searching for Peace in Unlikely Places

Following the traces of World War II in the Baltics, Sheenagh from Ireland stumbled across the transformative impact of exploring war memorials, concentration camps, and the power of shared experiences.

A green cigar box entitled with Gildemann Cigarren

The Green Cigar Box or: How to Deal With Your Family’s Nazi Past

An empty cigar box containing the burden of a heavy-weighing family history: When German-Australian student Kelly found out that her great-grandfather's cigar box is a relic of her family's involvement during the Third R... (more)

lawn with hedges

The Story of a Gravestone

Have you ever stumbled across an object that is not noticeable at first glance and wouldn’t appear out of place but upon closer inspection is quite unusual? And have you asked yourself what exciting, moving or sad story ... (more)

Young man in suit
two young men, standing arm in arm
a soldier, a nun and two little girls in front of a train
three boys and a girl in formal attire

The Art of Remembrance: Coping with the Legacy of Perpetrators in History

With each passing day, we have less and less of a connection to what came before us. History needs to be re-narrated consistently if we want to save it from oblivion. The legacy of perpetrators in history is an issue tha... (more)

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