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Memory Suitcase: “The Love for Writing Runs in my Blood”

Sometimes, the answers to the great mysteries of our lives are hidden in plain sight. Our author Rusudan found her great grandfather's diary while cleaning out old bookshelves, revealing a link between the past and the present.

#callBelarus: “Goodbye Minsk. I Don’t Need a Return Ticket!”

The last one turns the lights off. Brain drain, the exodus of the young affects many countries all over Europe: Economic reasons and future perspectives are the main reasons for this widespread phenomenon of emigration. Our 18-year old author Nadzeika sees former classmates and parts of her family leaving Belarus in quest of a better future. She as...

Yellow promotional cup of our Editor.

My Personal Symbol of Adolescence

Do you know the feeling of nostalgia that overwhelms you when some kind of forgotten and seemingly ordinary thing gets into your hands? An old photo, a children’s toy or a banal cup. It is important that it is a symbol of something special in our lives. This happened to our editor Taras, in whose life an unexpected silent companion turned up ...

A Second Look at Right Wing Poland

Paweł (Poland) talked to young Polish people about xenophobie and discovers a situation much more complex than it appears at first glance.

Between Jewish Traditions and Liberal Democracy: The Israeli Dilemma

Tzivia from Israel shares her perspective on the triangular relationship between society, institutionalized religion and personal belief in Israel and the tensions between a modern liberal democracy and religious traditions.

Pretty in Pink

Some things we see through rose-coloured glasses, others lose this colour over time. For Trixi from Germany there is one item that hasn't lost any pinkness over time – in fact, quite the opposite.

Voting4Europe: Will the Superhero of Democracy Return?

Jonas from Denmark is excited to  go to the ballot boxes for the first time and shares his thoughts on the election campaign and young voters in Denmark.

Voting4Europe: No One Left to Believe It? Serbia Between EU-Euphoria and Disillusionment

“EU report on Serbia likely after European election” – these headlines turned the spotlight once again to the debate of Serbia’s access to the EU. Divided between Europe where it belongs to geographically and culturally, and Russia – the “older brother and protector”, Serbia looks like Buridan’s ass that would starve t...

A Spanish Surprise? How the Right-Wing Vox Catches the Youth

Miguel from Andalusia, Spain, looks at the reasons for the rise of the extrem right-wing party Vox and reactions to last year's unexpected victory – bearing in mind that European elections are just around the corner.

Voting4Europe: “I Feel More European than German”

What current and future challenges is the European Parliament facing? And how did the elected body develop in the first place? Gregor spoke with Mechthild Roos, who is doing research on exactly these questions.

Voting4Europe: This Time I’m Voting for a European Slovakia!

With the unexpected victory of Zuzana Čaputová in presidential elections Slovakia got into the focus of European public. Even so the success of the environmental lawyer is considered as sign against politival apathy, voter turnout in the second round was less than 42 %. Which is much compared to the last European elections in Slovakia, were only ar...

20 Years After Bombing of Serbia: A Void in Architecture and in Our Minds

Milena from Serbia takes us to Belgrade and shows a building that is aptly described as "void" and what it tells us about the spring of 1999, when Belgrade was bombed.


#livingMünster: The “Heart of Europe” and its Positive Vibes

For young people across Europe the ERASMUS+ Programme is the chance to experience other Europeans countries first-hand. Camilla, a law student from Italy, thinks this is one of the EU’s greatest achievements. Back from two years studying in Germany, she reflects on the opportunities and challenges of her stay in Germany, about her discovery o...

Churches in Germany: From Absence to Presence?

Germany is not a religious state. It does not have a state religion or state church. The number of registered church members is declining year by year. But which role do the churches play in public discussions? What does being a practitioner of religion mean for a young German, and where to find interactions? Gregor shares his perspective on the tr...

100 Years After: The Name of Death

It was one of the biggest pandemics of all time. It is said to have killed millions by spreading on all inhabited continents within just one year – the Spanish flu caused fear and despair all over the world. But how is it perceived today, 100 years after the big catastrophe? And why is it called ,Spanish’? To find answers, our author Phillip spoke ...