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The Srebrenica-Potočari Memorial and Cemetery for the victims of the 1995 genocide.

We Need to Talk About Srebrenica

We need to talk about Srebrenica. We need to talk about it more often and more loudly, as it seems that people are slow learners. Crimes committed against civilians in numerous states during various conflicts show that humankind continuously fails to learn from history and past mistakes. We need to be reminded of Srebrenica and its tragic lessons a...

Of People and Identities

Martin is from Bulgaria, but for more than nine months he has been studying and living in Singapore and reflects on his own identity abroad.

Why we Should Actually Return to 1989

On the occasion of the 24th birthday of Slovenia, Tamara looks back at the evolution of her country - and reflects on past situations.

Many Shades of Left – Autonomously Green Athens

Milan, a Serb currently living in the “cradle of democracy”, paints the picture of two diametrically opposed citizens’ approaches.

European Opportunity Gone Wrong: Polish Troops in Germany?!

Explore the forgotten history of a Polish occupation zone in post-WWII Germany in Haren an der Ems. And why should we remember it?

European outside Europe. Part II

After some time living in India, Anete reconsiders her aloofness to European regulations but also finds inspiration its attitude towards love and family.

Erect a Memorial – Erase the Past. the Memorial to the Victims of the German Occupation in Budapest and the Controversy Around it

Nobody cares about art? When ideology and historical revisionism mingle in a sculpture memorising victims of Nazi Germany in Hungary, the controversy about ‘Who is a victim and who is not?’ becomes too hot to erect the monument in daylight. 

Memory Suitcase: one Rosary, two Memories

Gregor from germany describes a rosary that became a symbol of an emancipated woman before it developed into a symbol of eternal family love.

The Personal Side of History – Meeting with Lev Alexandrovic Netto

Imprisoned thrice - German Camp, Soviet Gulag, and silenced thereafter - Lev Alexandrovic Netto recounted his personal history to the European Youth.

Out of Europe

“Travel far enough, you meet yourself", David Mitchell said. Do we need to get out of our house to find one's own European identity?

Memory Suitcase: Tunes With a Story

Do you know the proverb “The heavier the luggage the easier the journey”? Anna from Finland moved several times, at times accompanied by the piano of her mother, a story she shares here.


Memory Suitcase: Unity in the hat

A bit of uniforms here, a pinch of ideology there and abracadabra – that’s how youngsters are often charmed into a common ideology. Tamara from Slovenia shares the story of a pioneer's hat.

Identity – the Magic Word of our Days?

The Balticeye-exhibition displays visual impressions by young Europeans on history and identity. One participant, Maria Zatoplyaeva from Kaliningrad explains why European identity is diverse.

Auschwitz and me – Insights From an International Youth Encounter

About 80 young people from Germany and around travelled to Auschwitz for an international youth encounter organised by the German Bundestag (Parliament). Back home, Julia (18) reflects on what history can teach us.

1989 Turning Point in Berlin: Brandenburger Tor

History is Personal! Interview With Children of the Revolution on the Importance of 1989

  1989 marked a change of epoch in Europe. Twenty-five years ago, the peaceful revolutions in Eastern Germany and Europe saw the fall of totalitarian regimes and borders. Like in a relay, the movements for freedom and independence in Central and Eastern Europe handed over the baton, with Poland starting in spring and Romania feeling the change in D...