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Heroes of Freedom – an Important Anniversary in the Fight Against Mafia

Mafia has always been a strong presence in the Italian country. Some Italians, instead of accepting the situation, raised their head and proved that Mafia can be defeated with a constant fight for legality. Among them were the two magistrates Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, murdered by the organised criminality 25 years ago. Viola Berti, a y...

The “Re-Unification” Belt. When Human Solidarity Overcomes Military Division

Remembering World War II is difficult in many countries. In Italy, however, the narration of “us” against “them” is even more difficult, since the country was not occupied by enemies, but Benito Mussolini was a strong ally of Hitler’s Germany even before the war. Only when a new government ousted Mussolini in 1943, German army occupied Northe...

Am I of the West?

Joschka Fischer, once perceived as symbol of a new political era, is now writing books and giving speeches on political crisis, the West without a leader, democracies in danger. For younger people, he is already part of history, as far back as the revolt of 1968. Gregor Christiansmeyer is responding to Joschka Fischers thesis on “the End of the Wes...

Cover photo for the Music in the service of patriotism: Can songs divide us?

Music in the Service of Patriotism: can Songs Divide us?

“Music unites people of different cultural backgrounds” is a phrase that one can often hear in speeches. Yes, music connects people. It can enrich a person and provide confidence, motivation and a sense of belonging. But what happens if you combine songs, collective memory and national identity? Milena from Serbia describes how the ques...

Ernestina Prola in her car, 1910

Licensed Women: Ernestina Macchia Prola and the Right to Drive

Our History Campus author Camilla tells the story of the first Italian woman to get a driving licence in 1907. Meet Ernestina Macchia Prola.

Stuck in the “Brussels Bubble”?

Brexit, Orbán and Le Pen. European right wing populism and state egotism is on the rise, the EU threatened by dissolution and there is no end in sight. What has gone wrong in the last years? How can the European Union get back on track? For Enja from Norway the EU bureaucrats have been detached from reality and ignored working class people for too ...

Division can be as Dangerous as Terror – Fresh Thoughts after UK Terroristic Attacks

“Deport all Muslims”, “Stop letting refugees and foreigners into the country” “There is no longer a ‘Great’ in Great Britain”, and “I’m not a racist but…” social media is covered with comments like these after the suicide bombing in Manchester at the Ariana Grande concert on the 22nd of May. Unity in the Face of Tragedy The focus seemed to be findi...

The Ungovernables? An Outsider’s Opinion on the French Elections

Milan Vukašinović’s life is stretched between Belgrade and Paris for a PhD in Byzantine history. Read how his experiences from Serbia stamped his perspectives on the contradictory situation right before the run-off of the French elections. After the first round of the presidential elections in France, despite of the expected results, the world of E...

#callFrance: Whom to Vote for? Vote at all?

We asked two French women on their perspectives towards the French elections of 2017.

Polish-Czech Relations: Stereotypes, Mistrust and Misunderstandings put Into Practice

The conflicts between Poles and Czechs are numerous, but in the name of learning from the past Anna from Finland asked Polish historian Michal Przeperski if there is something to learn from this quarrelsome history. In his opinion there is - and it's a quite simple one.

#CallSerbia: Presidential Elections: A »White Knight« Challenging the System?

Milena from Serbia asked three young voters to explain their choice in the Serbian elections.

#CallBulgaria: Backwards to the Future or On the Train of Unkept Promises

On 26th March, Bulgarians are electing their parliament members. Convened earlier than originally scheduled, as a consequence of prime minister Boyko Borisov’s resignation, the elections are preceded by a campaign that has turned into a real political battle between the major parties in Bulgaria. As an addition, a quite controversial businessman, V...

The Making-of: Bulgaria’s Populist Revolt

Following the trend-setters in form of Hungary, Poland and the USA, there is a growing fear that Bulgaria might be the next populist trend-victim. Martin from Bulgaria takes a look at how the fear of "the Other", combined with Bulgaria's own fake news and alternative facts created populism's perfect breeding ground.

Ticket Down Memory Lane

How many times you wished to throw away all those little things on your shelves that you collected? The ones that only “sits” there and gather dust? But when you reach for them you remember a story, a person or a place and then suddenly they become priceless. In her MEMORY SUITCASE Milena reveals why the dusty shoe box with a bunch of p...