In July 2000, a bridge of 8km length between two countries was opened. After centuries of separation by sea, the Øresund Bridge made it possible to drive between the two Nordic countries of Denmark and Sweden by car. Jak... (more)
People being beaten up by the police just for trying to vote, a government which declares a referendum binding even though parts of the electorate where not able to vote and a large number of ballots where confiscated, a... (more)
Jonas, Denmark Sara, Slovenia Ronja, Germany Florian, Germany Bohdana, Yuliia & Krystyna, Ukraine Andreas, Belgium
Driven by their passion for history more than 100 young Europeans made their way to Berlin, against all odds: storm Xavier devastated northern parts of Germany cutting of train connections to the German capital. Five par... (more)
The conflicts between Poles and Czechs are numerous, but in the name of learning from the past Anna from Finland asked Polish historian Michal Przeperski if there is something to learn from this quarrelsome history. In h... (more)
After a long camapaign the Austrian Voters finally elected Alexander von der Bellen as the new president. The candidate of the far-right party FPÖ, Norbert Hofer, got more than 46 percent of the vote. With this, the FPÖ,... (more)
Young EUSTORIANS interview Paulina, who regularly crosses the border between Kaliningrad and Gdansk, about the current tensions between the two countries and their impact on the region.
What exactly is going on in Austria? What are young people thinking on the candidates and Austria’s future? We decided to activate our European network and #CallVienna to ask two young voters to explain their choices. T... (more)
Can you imagine going to the toilet in the middle of the night and seeing something that will change your life and your country forever? The 8th of May marks the 71st anniversary of the end of the Second World War in Eur... (more)
Hundreds of thousands of refugees have passed through Serbia this year. Two Serbian activists, the Kontrapress journalist Žarka Radoja (40) and the psychologist and therapist Ana Perović (27) tell about their first-han... (more)
Camilla Crovella, a young Italian, calls for solidarity and a comprehensive reform of the European approach to refugees.
Explore the forgotten history of a Polish occupation zone in post-WWII Germany in Haren an der Ems. And why should we remember it?
2014 marks the Centenary of the First World War, a war that changed Europe as it was and had huge consequences for millions of people. Once great and extensive multinational empires slowly shrank in the course of history... (more)
Among many other interesting – and before unexperienced – challenges, our participants also took the roles of geography/history lecturers, who presented shifts in the borders of their countries as well as th... (more)
When the alarms rang at 6:30 a.m., we were drowsy and still unaware that we would return to Celica Hostel twelve hours later with a new perspective on the Slovenian borders, minorities and history. But after a few cups o... (more)