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What was most inspiring at the Summit so far?

Jonas, Denmark Sara, Slovenia Ronja, Germany Florian, Germany Bohdana, Yuliia & Krystyna, Ukraine Andreas, Belgium  

Why is history important to you?

Driven by their passion for history more than 100 young Europeans made their way to Berlin, against all odds: storm Xavier devastated northern parts of Germany cutting of train connections to the German capital. Five par... (more)

Heroes of Freedom – an Important Anniversary in the Fight Against Mafia

Mafia has always been a strong presence in the Italian country. Some Italians, instead of accepting the situation, raised their head and proved that Mafia can be defeated with a constant fight for legality. Among them we... (more)

The “Re-Unification” Belt. When Human Solidarity Overcomes Military Division

Remembering World War II is difficult in many countries. In Italy, however, the narration of “us” against “them” is even more difficult, since the country was not occupied by enemies, but Benito Mussolini was a strong al... (more)

Stuck in the “Brussels Bubble”?

Brexit, Orbán and Le Pen. European right wing populism and state egotism is on the rise, the EU threatened by dissolution and there is no end in sight. What has gone wrong in the last years? How can the European Union ge... (more)

Rallying for the Reconquista – Incognito Among the Identitarians

After a long camapaign the Austrian Voters finally elected Alexander von der Bellen as the new president. The candidate of the far-right party FPĂ–, Norbert Hofer, got more than 46 percent of the vote. With this, the FPĂ–,... (more)

@work in Budapest Day 1 part 2: Video-journalists-to-be on tour

Wondering about and wishing to see what our group of young history enthusiasts and researchers produced after spending the first part of the Visegrád backpacking tour in Budapest? We thought you might! Scroll on, see and... (more)

#callBritain: Over and out?

What exactly is going on in Britain? What are young people thinking about Britain’s future after the BREXIT-referendum? We decided to activate our European network and #CallBritain to ask two young voters to tell us abou... (more)

#callScotland: Don’t go Brexit my Heart

“Queen hailed as backer of Brexit.” “Bankers told to delay their summer holiday plans until after EU vote.” “Henry Hoover ate my pay packet!” These are some of the attention grabbing headlines in British papers surroundi... (more)

When the Tanks Broke Free

Marching soldiers, cheering crowds, tanks and cannon fire. The martial and enthusiastic manner of the May 9 parade in St. Petersburg, celebrating the victory over Nazi-Germany and the end of World War II, reminded Daniel... (more)

#callVienna: Election Time in Austria – Why I Voted for Hofer or why Van der Bellen is the Less Evil

What exactly is going on in Austria? What are young people thinking on the candidates and Austria’s future? We decided to activate our European network and #CallVienna to ask two young voters to explain their choices.  T... (more)

#callAnkara: Deserted Streets and Cumbersome Silence – the Seeds of a Great Conflict

Streets, normally full of pedestrians, tourists, street artists and beggars, deserted. Shopkeepers in shopping malls complaining about no visits, and instead of children in city parks police patrols with automatic guns. ... (more)

What if… European Borders Closed?

What If-GIFs explore peoples reactions to Europe's borders closing. How would you look if that would be the case?