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How much should one integrate? The ABC of minorities

After a really short night – the last participants arrived at 1 am – and a brief get-to-know-each other we moved from our nice accommodation to the centre of to Brusseles, to the museum BELvue which is our working place for this week. There the students jumped right into the topic while finding words connected to minorities, cluster and...

Coming up next: First EUSTORY academy 2011

More than 180 ethnic minorities are living in Brussels, the capital of Belgium and of the European Union. They come from all over the world, bringing their cultural backgrounds with them. Some families have been living here for generations, other individuals have just arrived. Young people from 13 European countries will meet in Brussels from 28 Au...

Results from the virtual classroom dealing with Chernobyl

About 50 EUSTORY alumni are working since September to discover the perception of the catastrophe of Chernobyl in their countries. They put their research work on an internet platform and discuss it. This platform is a closed one but they want to share some of their results. You can find the on their blog regularly, starting with the media coverage...