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Page 24 – EUSTORY History Campus

Ignorance or Just a Different Perspective?

27th of January. International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Gregor (Germany) shares his thoughts on the art project YOLOCAUST.

The Sound of Childhood

Grandma’s old record player and a collection of vinyl records, encompassing variety of genres, from poems, operas to pop songs, gave sound to Elena’s early childhood in Russia. And how does a memory of your c... (more)

Budapest: A Beauty With a Dark Past

Vida from Germany takes us to Budapest to look at what kind of past hides the parliament in Budapest.

More Freedom of Choice or a Vacuum of Values?

25 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Anna from Moscow finds herself caught in the middle of a heated debate in her family: the life during the Soviet Union - lack of personal freedom or a system of security a... (more)

Rallying for the Reconquista – Incognito Among the Identitarians

After a long camapaign the Austrian Voters finally elected Alexander von der Bellen as the new president. The candidate of the far-right party FPĂ–, Norbert Hofer, got more than 46 percent of the vote. With this, the FPĂ–,... (more)

The Moral Compass

With freedom of press endangered in many parts of Europe and the work of independent journalists becoming harder and harder we wanted to know first hand what it is like to work as a journalist with an interest in human r... (more)

#callItaly: Constitutional Referendum – Shifting Power and Supporting a Gang of Mayors and Regional Presidents?

Voters in Italy will have to decide about a constitutional reform on December 4th. The referendum, strongly supported by Italian PM Renzi, results in heated debates, also in our #callItaly, where our young voters share t... (more)

Where Were You When… The Troops of the Warsaw Pact Invaded Czechoslovakia in 1968?

Reconsidering the past, young Europeans asked people on the streets of Prague: Where were you when the troops of the Warsaw Pact invaded Czechoslovakia on 21 August 1968?