Traces of unique history: Caroline from Slovakia about Ziar nad Hronom's emblematic house signs from the 1950s and the importance of keeping architectural heritage alive.
With the unexpected victory of Zuzana Čaputová in presidential elections Slovakia got into the focus of European public. Even so the success of the environmental lawyer is considered as sign against politival apathy, vot... (more)
2014 marks the Centenary of the First World War, a war that changed Europe as it was and had huge consequences for millions of people. Once great and extensive multinational empires slowly shrank in the course of history... (more)
Kristina Christozova Born in 1995 in Martin, Slovakia “Multiculturalism in Slovakia in the 20th century – the Bulgarian minority” (2012) Kristina was born into a bicultural family – her mother is Slovak and her father is... (more)