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Page 39 – EUSTORY History Campus

The story behind the video…

We want to present you the first in the row of videos that are going to present the captions of aspects and different stages of our work, research, creativity, inspiration and fun. Our aim is to show the diversity in our... (more)


Today we really started the program of our academy in Ljubljana and our first step was to get to know each other and later also get better acquainted with our topic. We did not limit ourselves with mere name-games, but w... (more)

A(lumni)-Team in Ljubljana

Luckily I again have the support of EUSTORY alumni during the academy in Ljubljana: Tamara, who had her first EUSTORY experience in Berlin 2009, followed by many alumni activities in Minsk, Berlin, Madrid and Ronda; and ... (more)

Minorities: Connecting people

What do 23 young people from 18 European countries have in common? Firstly, the Eustory academy in Ljubljana, Slovenia and secondly, interest in the topic of changing borders and the consequent questions of identities an... (more)

ESA = EUSTORY Seminar Animates: Explaining Complex Topics

From the moment we conceptualized the Alumni Seminar in Ronda we were planning on having Animates explaining complex topics as a final result, similar to those, produced by the Royal Society of Art (London). The idea was... (more)

Ida’s good bye

During the seminar in Ronda we had for the first time a participant, Ida from Denmark, who reported to you from behind the scene and I think that she managed to give you a good impression about what happens beside the wo... (more)

Day 5. Orientalism, Ronda and the final project!

It was the first cloudy morning since we started our seminar. After breakfast we went to Ronda by bus. We arrived to the Real Maestranza de CaballerĂ­a de Ronda and heard a lecture about Orientalism by professor Waleed Sa... (more)

Day 4: Ronda’s next Top…

After taking a stand (physically) on issues connected to stereotypes and the image of the other during the I agree / I disagree discussion the afternoon of this Thursday was dedicated to get closer to the final result of... (more)

Day 3: Visiting Europe in Africa

On day 3 we crossed the Strait of Gibraltar and went to Ceuta, a piece of Europe in Africa and a laboratory where the different others not only coexist but also try to convivir. It is worth mentioning that we had as well... (more)

Day 2 – The other in Ronda

All started with Tina ordering the hopelessly late and lazy Eustorians to the bus for a short ride to Ronda. The first part of the day passed in the Real Maestranza de CaballerĂ­a de Ronda, our generous supporter and loya... (more)