Luckily I again have the support of EUSTORY alumni during the academy in Ljubljana: Tamara, who had her first EUSTORY experience in Berlin 2009, followed by many alumni activities in Minsk, Berlin, Madrid and Ronda; and Kristi, who was with EUSTORY in Berlin and 2010.
I couldn’t have found a better team to support us here, Tamara with her background in International Relation with a special focus on minorities and Kristi, a student of visual communication. Apart from helping us with logistics and program preparation (like a customized simulation about minorities – coming on Thursday), they are also responsible for the reporting. Tamara will coordinate the blog (text and pictures, also with contributions of participants, if they are not too exhausted at the end of the day) and Kristi will produce short documentaries, to give you visual and moving impressions of our seminar. What could go wrong from here…?