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Young Voices Blog

Young authors from all over Europe regularly publish blog posts about current events, discuss the relevance of historical anniversaries and share their personal approaches to issues related to history and identity in Europe. You can navigate the EUSTORY History Campus Blog by choosing a category or scrolling through the entire blog.



The History Campus Blog features a variety of topics, articles and formats. Check out the articles on personal artefacts, experiences and thoughts of young Europeans in the Memory Suitcase, learn about their views on current political events and debates in European countries in #callEurope, see them @work at one of the various seminars and projects, find out how historical events effect people on the personal level in Where were you when, explore the thoughts and intercultural learnings of young Europeans travelling abroad in The Image of the Other and follow the discussion on the means of Heritage & Identity for Europes present and future. You can find all the categories and all the posts of the History Campus Blog in the Archive.


Erect a Memorial – Erase the Past. the Memorial to the Victims of the German Occupation in Budapest and the Controversy Around it

Nobody cares about art? When ideology and historical revisionism mingle in a sculpture memorising victims of Nazi Germany in Hungary, the controversy about ‘Who...

Memory Suitcase: one Rosary, two Memories

Gregor from germany describes a rosary that became a symbol of an emancipated woman before it developed into a symbol of eternal family love.

The Personal Side of History – Meeting with Lev Alexandrovic Netto

Imprisoned thrice - German Camp, Soviet Gulag, and silenced thereafter - Lev Alexandrovic Netto recounted his personal history to the European Youth.

Out of Europe

“Travel far enough, you meet yourself", David Mitchell said. Do we need to get out of our house to find one's own European identity?

Memory Suitcase: Tunes With a Story

Do you know the proverb “The heavier the luggage the easier the journey”? Anna from Finland moved several times, at times accompanied by the piano of her mother...


Memory Suitcase: Unity in the hat

A bit of uniforms here, a pinch of ideology there and abracadabra – that’s how youngsters are often charmed into a common ideology. Tamara from Slovenia shares ...

Identity – the Magic Word of our Days?

The Balticeye-exhibition displays visual impressions by young Europeans on history and identity. One participant, Maria Zatoplyaeva from Kaliningrad explains wh...

Auschwitz and me – Insights From an International Youth Encounter

About 80 young people from Germany and around travelled to Auschwitz for an international youth encounter organised by the German Bundestag (Parliament). Back h...

1989 Turning Point in Berlin: Brandenburger Tor

History is Personal! Interview With Children of the Revolution on the Importance of 1989

  1989 marked a change of epoch in Europe. Twenty-five years ago, the peaceful revolutions in Eastern Germany and Europe saw the fall of totalitarian regimes an...