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This is what the RIC looked like.

100 Years After: How we Remember the Perpetrators of Bloody Sunday

100 years after Bloody Sunday, there is still much controversy surrounding the perpetrators of that terrible day and whether the Irish should be remembering them. Neasa talks about the British police and military forces,... (more)

tweet; Paris Peace Conference

1919: A Special Blue Carrier Pigeon of Peace

How to lose one third of your empire in 140 characters? Today we can hardly imagine the political sphere without daily tweets and constant online communication. Imagine how political life and our world would have looked ... (more)

Google + Edmodo

Happy Birthday, Google! Can the Search Engine Replace History Teachers and Libraries?

What is our first thought when we don’t know something? “Just Google it up!”. Google will celebrate its 20th birthday this year and it is undeniable that the search engine occupies a prominent role in our lives. But coul... (more)

Ernestina Prola in her car, 1910

Licensed Women: Ernestina Macchia Prola and the Right to Drive

Our History Campus author Camilla tells the story of the first Italian woman to get a driving licence in 1907. Meet Ernestina Macchia Prola.

DAY 2: Into the Wild, crossing borders

When the alarms rang at 6:30 a.m., we were drowsy and still unaware that we would return to Celica Hostel twelve hours later with a new perspective on the Slovenian borders, minorities and history. But after a few cups o... (more)


I actually think that this is the first time that I post from an EFKAGA (Event Formally Known As General Assembly). During the last years there have been many organisational changes within the EUSTORY Network – fro... (more)

Never giving up a good discussion about Europe: Roman from Belgium

Name: Roman Age: 19 Hometown: Ronse/Ghent Country: Belgium EUSTORY experiences: EUSTORY Summer Academy Berlin 2011, EUSTORY Debate Paris 2012 Roman is studying his second year of History at the University of Ghent. He pl... (more)