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The author and her friend praying in the Rocky Mountains.

Clash of Cultures: A German Girl in the American Midwest

Different views on religion can harbour potential for conflict. Our author Marlene from Germany declares herself an atheist. However, her time as a member of a Lutheran youth group during an exchange in Kansas, USA, imme... (more)

A Rucksack Full of Independent Decisions – Exchange Students and the COVID Crisis

Spending a school year abroad was quite a different experience in the school year 2020/21: Floria Herget presents three exchange students who talk about best decisions, feeling closer together and pain combined with self... (more)

A Memory you can Wear

Jonas from Denmark ponderes the question which item carries the most meaning and memories of his own story.

The Making-of: Bulgaria’s Populist Revolt

Following the trend-setters in form of Hungary, Poland and the USA, there is a growing fear that Bulgaria might be the next populist trend-victim. Martin from Bulgaria takes a look at how the fear of "the Other", combine... (more)

Where Were you When…9/11 Happened?

On September 11, 2001 a terrorist attack shook New York, the USA and the entire world: Two planes were directed into the World Trade Center in New York City killing and injuring thousands. It was a watershed moment. 9/11... (more)

When Politics Come Alive – Going to bed with Trump and Clinton

In case you ever wondered how a European student of politics and philosophy feels like going to bed with Trump and Clinton or how he would cope with the election campaign craze in Washington, D. C., you can now find the ... (more)

Srebrenica Genocide Memorial

Words Don’t Matter Anymore

Haris, an Austrian with Bosnian family-roots, shares his view on why remembering Srebrenica is crucial for ensuring a better future.