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Radicalisation, Populism, Nationalism: Are societies drifting apart?

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From Peace to Populism: How Serbia Became an Outlier

Serbia at the crossroads: Uncertain times are fertile ground for autocrats and populism. This is what Petar and his peers from Belgrade experiences in his home country every day.

Polish Populism Plague

The Polish law students Witold Janas and Marek Kaczmarczyk sum up what happened with the Polish judiciary system since 2015 and give their view on actors and incidents in this drama.

Passports from all over the world (photo: Baigal

My Life Without a National Identity

Maria from Sweden wonders whether all this hostility in the debates about how the respective national culture should be defined is necessary at all as she lives perfectly happy without a national identity.

A Memory you can Wear

Jonas from Denmark ponderes the question which item carries the most meaning and memories of his own story.

Fake or Real? The Media in the Era of ›Post Truth‹

Participants of the Workshop "Fake or Real?" explore media in the era of ›post truth‹ and trained to critically approach past and present ›fake news‹.

Analysing Populism: Against Radicalisation in Contemporary Europe

Right-wing populism is omnipresent in Europe. What does it have to do with history? And what possible responses to its radical language may we provide? Participants of the Workshop "Analysing Populism" share their views.

Stuck in the “Brussels Bubble”?

Brexit, Orbán and Le Pen. European right wing populism and state egotism is on the rise, the EU threatened by dissolution and there is no end in sight. What has gone wrong in the last years? How can the European Union ge... (more)

The Ungovernables? An Outsider’s Opinion on the French Elections

Milan Vukašinović’s life is stretched between Belgrade and Paris for a PhD in Byzantine history. Read how his experiences from Serbia stamped his perspectives on the contradictory situation right before the run-off of th... (more)

#CallBulgaria: Backwards to the Future or On the Train of Unkept Promises

On 26th March, Bulgarians are electing their parliament members. Convened earlier than originally scheduled, as a consequence of prime minister Boyko Borisov’s resignation, the elections are preceded by a campaign that h... (more)

The Making-of: Bulgaria’s Populist Revolt

Following the trend-setters in form of Hungary, Poland and the USA, there is a growing fear that Bulgaria might be the next populist trend-victim. Martin from Bulgaria takes a look at how the fear of "the Other", combine... (more)

#CallNetherlands: Elections in the Netherlands – end of EU as we Know it?

2016 saw the rise of populist leaders in Europe and beyond. Can this year be worse? The elections in the Netherlands might be a first thumbnail on Europe’s future. Two Dutch women share their political perspectives with ... (more)

Ignorance or Just a Different Perspective?

27th of January. International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Gregor (Germany) shares his thoughts on the art project YOLOCAUST.

#callItaly: Constitutional Referendum – Shifting Power and Supporting a Gang of Mayors and Regional Presidents?

Voters in Italy will have to decide about a constitutional reform on December 4th. The referendum, strongly supported by Italian PM Renzi, results in heated debates, also in our #callItaly, where our young voters share t... (more)

Aequis Libertas: Or what young Europeans think about democracy

One of the results of the seminar about populism and challenges to democracy was the seminar magazine: Aequis Libertas Other results will soon follow!