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Football fans waving the German flag

Football, Flags & Feeling German

Germany's relationship with patriotism? Complicated. During football tournaments, it has become a tradition to fight over the German flag. Our EUSTORY History Campus authors Marlene and Yannis asked young Germans what th... (more)

School building in Wolfhagen

How a German School Resists Far-Right Violence

In 2019, German politician Walter Lübcke was assassinated. The students of the school in his hometown reacted immediately and set a sign against far-right violence. This didn't remain without serious consequences.

A Second Look at Right Wing Poland

Paweł (Poland) talked to young Polish people about xenophobie and discovers a situation much more complex than it appears at first glance.

Voting4Europe: This Time I’m Voting for a European Slovakia!

With the unexpected victory of Zuzana Čaputová in presidential elections Slovakia got into the focus of European public. Even so the success of the environmental lawyer is considered as sign against politival apathy, vot... (more)

Passports from all over the world (photo: Baigal

My Life Without a National Identity

Maria from Sweden wonders whether all this hostility in the debates about how the respective national culture should be defined is necessary at all as she lives perfectly happy without a national identity.

Catalonia: Outbreak of Illegal Nationalism or Oppression of a Democratic Movement?

People being beaten up by the police just for trying to vote, a government which declares a referendum binding even though parts of the electorate where not able to vote and a large number of ballots where confiscated, a... (more)

Am I of the West?

Joschka Fischer, once perceived as symbol of a new political era, is now writing books and giving speeches on political crisis, the West without a leader, democracies in danger. For younger people, he is already part of ... (more)

Stuck in the “Brussels Bubble”?

Brexit, Orbán and Le Pen. European right wing populism and state egotism is on the rise, the EU threatened by dissolution and there is no end in sight. What has gone wrong in the last years? How can the European Union ge... (more)

The Ungovernables? An Outsider’s Opinion on the French Elections

Milan Vukašinović’s life is stretched between Belgrade and Paris for a PhD in Byzantine history. Read how his experiences from Serbia stamped his perspectives on the contradictory situation right before the run-off of th... (more)

#callFrance: Whom to Vote for? Vote at all?

We asked two French women on their perspectives towards the French elections of 2017.

#CallNetherlands: Elections in the Netherlands – end of EU as we Know it?

2016 saw the rise of populist leaders in Europe and beyond. Can this year be worse? The elections in the Netherlands might be a first thumbnail on Europe’s future. Two Dutch women share their political perspectives with ... (more)

Ignorance or Just a Different Perspective?

27th of January. International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Gregor (Germany) shares his thoughts on the art project YOLOCAUST.

Rallying for the Reconquista – Incognito Among the Identitarians

After a long camapaign the Austrian Voters finally elected Alexander von der Bellen as the new president. The candidate of the far-right party FPÖ, Norbert Hofer, got more than 46 percent of the vote. With this, the FPÖ,... (more)

#callItaly: Constitutional Referendum – Shifting Power and Supporting a Gang of Mayors and Regional Presidents?

Voters in Italy will have to decide about a constitutional reform on December 4th. The referendum, strongly supported by Italian PM Renzi, results in heated debates, also in our #callItaly, where our young voters share t... (more)

When the Tanks Broke Free

Marching soldiers, cheering crowds, tanks and cannon fire. The martial and enthusiastic manner of the May 9 parade in St. Petersburg, celebrating the victory over Nazi-Germany and the end of World War II, reminded Daniel... (more)

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