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Heroes of Freedom – an Important Anniversary in the Fight Against Mafia

Mafia has always been a strong presence in the Italian country. Some Italians, instead of accepting the situation, raised their head and proved that Mafia can be defeated with a constant fight for legality. Among them we... (more)

The “Re-Unification” Belt. When Human Solidarity Overcomes Military Division

Remembering World War II is difficult in many countries. In Italy, however, the narration of “us” against “them” is even more difficult, since the country was not occupied by enemies, but Benito Mussolini was a strong al... (more)

Controversy of the Monument

  We often hear about the clash of political regimes, be it either in historical movies, documentaries, books or in lectures. Visiting Budapest as participants of the EUSTORY History Camp, we learnt that the city of... (more)

Rallying for the Reconquista – Incognito Among the Identitarians

After a long camapaign the Austrian Voters finally elected Alexander von der Bellen as the new president. The candidate of the far-right party FPĂ–, Norbert Hofer, got more than 46 percent of the vote. With this, the FPĂ–,... (more)

Where Were You When… The Troops of the Warsaw Pact Invaded Czechoslovakia in 1968?

Reconsidering the past, young Europeans asked people on the streets of Prague: Where were you when the troops of the Warsaw Pact invaded Czechoslovakia on 21 August 1968?

When Politics Come Alive – Going to bed with Trump and Clinton

In case you ever wondered how a European student of politics and philosophy feels like going to bed with Trump and Clinton or how he would cope with the election campaign craze in Washington, D. C., you can now find the ... (more)

The Personal Side of History – Meeting with Lev Alexandrovic Netto

Imprisoned thrice - German Camp, Soviet Gulag, and silenced thereafter - Lev Alexandrovic Netto recounted his personal history to the European Youth.

Europe, do you feel free?

In preparation of the workshop in Berlin our 15 participants conducted a survey within their countries in order to find out, what freedom means for their peers/families and how they assess the situation concerning freedo... (more)