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Page 50 – EUSTORY History Campus

Exile Stories III: Finally arrived – From Poland to Ukraine

When Roksolana, student of International Relations in Kiev, started to look for a person to interview she found Dmytro Djula, who was  acquainted with her grandfather as they were both members of the contemporary associa... (more)

Exile Stories II: “You can turn the train around and I will stop crying.”

Sofia, who is currently studying pharmacy in Turku conducted her interview with the grandfather of a friend by phone, living 600 kilometers apart. Jorma Iiskola was born close to Kouvola in southeastern Finland in 1935 a... (more)

Exile stories I: “When I got used to dumplings, I would be a real Czech”.

This is VojtÄ›ch Pojar’s interview with a Belarusian refugee in his country, Czech Republic. The name Vladislav is used in order to hide the real identity of his interviewee, as he wanted to remain anonymous. When V... (more)

Starting a new life from scratch: Exile stories from all over Europe

The EUSTORY seminar in Madrid on the topic of Exile  is coming up soon and the participating students have prepared some background work in the last weeks about the topic. One of the tasks they had to accomplish was cond... (more)

New Alumni Seminar is coming up…

Follow us here from July 24 to July 31. 20 students from 17 countries will meet in Madrid to discuss the topic of “Exile” together. The seminar is organized by the Real Maestranza de Ronda in Cooperation with... (more)

Results from the virtual classroom dealing with Chernobyl

About 50 EUSTORY alumni are working since September to discover the perception of the catastrophe of Chernobyl in their countries. They put their research work on an internet platform and discuss it. This platform is a c... (more)

Are we citizens of Europe?

I’m attending a seminar about European citizenship in Budapest at the end of the month and just filled out a questionnaire about that. So I’m asking you, do you feel like a citizen of Europe? And what does Eu... (more)

Running out of time

It may sound ordinary but it’s true – sooner or later everything comes to an end. Without even noticing it we spent a whole week in Bulgaria discussing different religions and the co-existence and cooperation... (more)

The Rose of Sofia

So, here it is; the movie produced during the academy in Bulgaria with the bloomy title: The Rose of Sofia. The movie is dealing with the BIG topics: love, family, religion, tolerance… Watch it here…

Time to move some boundaries!

After many new impressions that we had gained the previous days, Friday was our chance to present the new knowledge in a special virtual laboratory. We spent the whole day in the National History Museum of Plovdiv, where... (more)