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Page 45 – EUSTORY History Campus

51 years ago… A wall was built

And three years ago, the participants of the Eustory academy in Berlin dealt with the topic of the Berlin wall. They realized three movies around that topic. One fairy tale that tries to explain life in East and West of ... (more)

Almost 18.000 visitors on our blog! All started two years ago…

About two years ago this blog started due to an initiative of two of our interns during our summer academy in Berlin in August 2010. Reason enough to show again the movies the participants created during that week, all d... (more)

Europe in High-Resolution: Ondřej about the change of perspectives through travelling

Name: Ondřej Age: 22 Hometown: Prague Country: Czech Republic EUSTORY experiences: Gdansk 2009, Minsk 2010 + Internet project on Chernobyl, Berlin 2011, Madrid 2011 Actual occupation/studies: MSc in Economics, Tilburg Un... (more)

“Finnish people have a strong sense of independence and a need for space” – Anna about the challenges of feeling European at the margin of Europe

Name: Anna Age: 21 Hometown: Joensuu Country: Finland EUSTORY experiences: Youth Academy in Switzerland 2010, Alumni project “25 years after Chernobyl” in Berlin 2011 Actual occupation/studies: Studies Europe... (more)

Young Europeans Dissatisfied with Performance of Foreign Policy Makers

An overwhelming majority of young Europeans feel uninformed about how decisions on EU foreign policy are made. The Europe & Me online magazine conducted a survey among more than 6,500 young Europeans to investigate t... (more)

Make the voice of young people heard in European politics!

Young Europeans under the age of 30 are invited to take part in the online survey of the young online magazine Europe & Me and thus support European youth to win a bet with European foreign policy makers. The Federal... (more)

“Do you speak European?” workshop – apply now!

What makes you feel European? When you read a Spanish novel, when you apply for a job in Finland, when you eat Hungarian langos or French roquefort? And anyway – what is Europe? Maybe it’s an idea rather than... (more)

Time to say good bye

With the Berlin academy, the last EUSTORY academy in 2011 has ended. So I give the word again to Jorge, for the last time this summer…: Our last day started very relaxed. We commented satisfactorily the interview w... (more)

Day 5: Do you know anything about Domovoj?

I received this text from Jorge at 2.01 am, poor exploited volunteer… Anton (Russia) would say: “Many people ask me: Anton, do you know anything about Domovoj?”In this case we didn’t know anything about Domovoj (wh... (more)

Day 4: From 500 to 155 questions

Between 400 and 500 interview questions were written this morning for “our” witness. After throwing away some of them such as  “How was the weather like during three years?” (Kaspars was proud of it) we took 155 and the ... (more)