Usually, people plan their professional and private life in detail. They make appointments, organise conferences, set dates for events, and arrange rendezvous. But have you ever thought about which of the world’s major events and decisions were the result of spontaneous, unplanned meetings? Members of our editorial team traced this question and pondered the impact of chance on shaping the world around us. Delve into the role of fortuity in influencing European history by clicking through the map!
Born in December 1998, Jakob is currently studying history at Copenhagen University. He is fascinated by many things related to history and in general is interested in learning about different cultures. He is a huge cinephile watching countless movies and tv-shows.
born in 1995 and studied public history in Germany. Loves to explore the nature in different countries and to discuss about history, but hates to describe himself.
Rusudan from Tbilisi, Georgia, has recently obtained her Bachelor’s in law from Tbilisi State University. Having also studied in Istanbul, Tallinn and Daugavpils, she is passionate for travelling, history and literature. As an editor since 2020, she also enjoys spending time as an amateur photographer and pianist.
Decho is studying International Business Administration at the University of Vienna and his main interests are in the field of economics, law, history and geopolitics. But of course, he would never refuse a good time with friends and water polo and aikido are his great passions.