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A gathering in European History: Dorothea Viehmann with the Brothers Grimm

Created by Chance: Informal Gatherings Between Magic and Horror

Some events and developments in European history are the result of pure spontaneity. Members of the EUSTORY History Campus editorial team traced this question and pondered the impact of chance on shaping the world around... (more)

Europe, How Do You Deal With History Cast In Stone?

What to do with monuments when the historical context changes? Should they be removed, re-contextualised, or, on the contrary, should we preserve them as a painful reminder of the events that took place decades or centur... (more)

2020: With and Beyond Corona

2020 was the year of Corona - but there are many moments of hope. We share some of the our perspectives on this extraordinary year. 

A Map of Friendship

During international seminars and History Camps you can meet people from all over Europe and form intense friendships. After these events distance and new circumstances sometimes present a challenge, even for the closest... (more)

You can leave your map on

Among many other interesting  – and before unexperienced – challenges, our participants also took the roles of geography/history lecturers, who presented shifts in the borders of their countries as well as th... (more)