Home » Srebrenica


“Three Hours per Victim” or “The Rape of Serbia”

Bosnian Serb's wartime-leader Radovan Karadžić was sentenced to 40 years in prison for the Srebrenica genocide. How did the Bosnian and Serbian press react?

Gravestones of thousands of victims at the Srebrenica genocide memorial

Words Don’t Matter Anymore

Haris, an Austrian with Bosnian family-roots, shares his view on why remembering Srebrenica is crucial for ensuring a better future.

The Srebrenica-Potočari Memorial and Cemetery for the victims of the 1995 genocide.

We Need to Talk About Srebrenica

We need to talk about Srebrenica. We need to talk about it more often and more loudly, as it seems that people are slow learners. Crimes committed against civilians in numerous states during various conflicts show that h... (more)