What to do with monuments when the historical context changes? Should they be removed, re-contextualised, or, on the contrary, should we preserve them as a painful reminder of the events that took place decades or centur... (more)
We often hear about the clash of political regimes, be it either in historical movies, documentaries, books or in lectures. Visiting Budapest as participants of the EUSTORY History Camp, we learnt that the city of... (more)
Wondering about and wishing to see what our group of young history enthusiasts and researchers produced after spending the first part of the Visegrád backpacking tour in Budapest? We thought you might! Scroll on, see and... (more)
Nobody cares about art? When ideology and historical revisionism mingle in a sculpture memorising victims of Nazi Germany in Hungary, the controversy about ‘Who is a victim and who is not?’ becomes too hot to erect the m... (more)
When the alarms rang at 6:30 a.m., we were drowsy and still unaware that we would return to Celica Hostel twelve hours later with a new perspective on the Slovenian borders, minorities and history. But after a few cups o... (more)
This morning the breakfast room of the Suomenlinna hostel was filled with 28 more or less tired faces. Some of us had stayed up late celebrating the birthdays of two of our participants, while some of us watched as the n... (more)
The 5th day morning was a bit different than others – besides of having a longtime night chats, nobody was tired but excited. 25 artist (with their main composer: Leah and write: Sofie) prepared a small surprise ... (more)