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Page 53 – EUSTORY History Campus

There are mountains at the end of the tunnel…

The evening before, we were told that they start serving breakfast at 6.30 and that we have to get going at 8.15. Jane:”So I set my alarm to 6.30 just to have a shower before everyone else does. It turned out I was... (more)

Welcome to Switzerland

After an exhausting trip- except for Germán from Spain, who could travel business class due to overbooking-  all participants have arrived in Zurich, together with all their luggage! Tomorrow we will all leave Zurich and... (more)

Here we go again! Announcing our Youth Academy in Scuol, Switzerland

It has been some time since our academy in Berlin, at the wanseeForum, where we discussed about repression and its mechanisms in totalitarian systems. Our blog won’t stop with that academy, but go on and cover our ... (more)

Our movies are online!

So here we go again: Our four movie productions from the Eustory Berlin Summer Academy- “Repression Has Many Faces”, “Falling Shadows”, “Two Sides Of One Story” and “Damaged Roll... (more)

Our meeting with Róża Thun

Thursday was both a busy and exciting day for us, participants at the Eustory Berlin Summer Academy. After two days of filming around the clock, cutting, editing and adding special effects, we could proudly present the f... (more)


It is quiet and empty  here at the wannseeFORUM. The Summer Academy has come to an end and everybody has left for his/her home country. Yesterday was such a great day for us! Not only the sun was shining, but we also had... (more)

Our Work

So many creative posters have been assembled, that they really should be shown  here as well. In the collage below you can see both presentations of the participants’ competition entries as well as posters which we... (more)

Working at wannseeFORUM

After two days of field work in Berlin we needed one day to share our results with the other groups. Since we had worked hard on our posters the night before, we used the time in the morning for making the last preparati... (more)