So here we go again: Our four movie productions from the Eustory Berlin Summer Academy- “Repression Has Many Faces”, “Falling Shadows”, “Two Sides Of One Story” and “Damaged Rolls” are now online and can be watched and downloaded from vimeo. com. These short movies have been produced during the academy’s media workshop and deal with the topic of repression in totalitarian systems.
Just click on the link below and you will be forwarded to the account of wannseeFORUM and to the first movie. If you cannot see the movies right away, because there might be some new uploads from other workshops coming up in a few weeks, then just use the tag searching option. When entering “eustory” or “repression” the movies should be easy to find.
Congratulations to all of you who have been involved in this creative activity, while designing, filming and editing the movies and enjoy watching them!
Thank you very much for posting that here.
Anna With-2-n from Germany
wow, they are still great!
Hey, Bogdan;), nice to see your blog, pity I can’t understand a word…
I wrote something in english, the second post :
Enjoy. Great acting in the movie. Congrats!
Sidi - Wales
Thank you for these. Every time I watch them it makes me smile.