(1996) is a German Eustorian with a study background in history and political science. After his Master's he is currently working as Mercator Fellow on International Affairs in the Western Balkans. He enjoys meeting new people, having discussions and fun together. Gregor is always delighted when he finds nice postcards in his letter box – they have got a place of honour in his room.
is a Russian-Swedish student currently finishing her studies of International Politics in Huddersfield, United Kingdom. Her interests primarily concern European history and historiography and political philosophy. Recently, she has also been engaged with geopolitical theory. Although these topics may seem abstract, she feels like there is a lot which can be applied to contemporary issues, especially in the exploration of the dichotomies of xenophobia and migration.
Born in December 1998, Jakob is currently studying history at Copenhagen University. He is fascinated by many things related to history and in general is interested in learning about different cultures. He is a huge cinephile watching countless movies and tv-shows.
Born in 2000, Neasa is a Film & Classics student from Galway, Ireland. She is half German, but generally identifies more with her Irish heritage. Besides writing and making art, she also adores films, history, reading and music.
Born in 1999, Trixi studies various archaeological subjects in her hometown Münster, Germany. Besides antiquities she is in general interested in history and also likes playing different instruments and meeting new people.
born in 1995 and studied public history in Germany. Loves to explore the nature in different countries and to discuss about history, but hates to describe himself.
Having studied law for the past four years, he has never lost his interest in history and politics. Antonius hopes to contribute to international communication among the youth. Apart from that, he has been playing the violin for most of his life.
Camilla (born 1993) is a student from Turin, Italy. Her interests include European History, German language and culture and backpack travelling. But everybody knows her for her unconditioned love for Thai food and energetic coffees.
Milena (1987) is a Eustorian from Serbia studying sociology. But her main interests are family history, ethnology, social interaction, and places where people gather like traditional pubs with historical background. She plans to travel a bit more and perfect the skill of traditional pastry making. She hopes to work for UNICEF one day.
Liliana is a Bulgarian who recently obtained her Master's in European integration and diplomacy of the European Union. Passionate about travelling, photography and discovering the hidden gems of Europe, she has been part of the Editors' team since 2020.
Decho is studying International Business Administration at the University of Vienna and his main interests are in the field of economics, law, history and geopolitics. But of course, he would never refuse a good time with friends and water polo and aikido are his great passions.
Rusudan from Tbilisi, Georgia, has recently obtained her Bachelor’s in law from Tbilisi State University. Having also studied in Istanbul, Tallinn and Daugavpils, she is passionate for travelling, history and literature. As an editor since 2020, she also enjoys spending time as an amateur photographer and pianist.
The coronavirus is everywhere: in the news, on social media, our personal communication and even in our thoughts. The increasingly high numbers of infected and dead people on the news frighten many of us as much as the lockdown impacts our societies, social and economic live.
But this pandemic also brings solidarity and hope. We, the Editors’ Team of this Blog, looked in our home countries for moments of light and positivity. Join us to look in different corners of Europe for some optimism!
What are your light moments during this time?
We hope that you are all well and send best wishes from our corners of the world to yours!