If yesterday was tiresome, today it was going to be even more: We set off to Berlin around 8 a.m., with a another round of interviews and a city-tour on our agenda. After having a first go at bringing the past back with the help of questions, we felt more confident for our next session of interviews. Our partners for today’s conversations again had very interesting stories to tell and we were there to listen:
Feri Kopán, a Geography and French teacher from Romania recounted his time as a young student under the communist regime. We met him at his office where he works for a foundation coordinating youth projects all over the world. For the Spanish interview, one of the teams was invited to the Spanish embassy in Berlin. Although the surroundings were quite formal and serious, talking with Aurora Minguez made us laugh. She made us look at repression in totalitarian Spain from a feminist point of view. Cliewe Juritza and Mike Fröhnel gave their interview at the former secret Stasi prison in Hohenschönhausen
. Both were former political prisoners of the GDR and could show us around the prison. Nevertheless the interviews put emphasis on their youth and “free life“. As Mrs. Blumensath in the first Polish interview, Wintold Kaminsky stressed out the impact that migration had on his life, rather than considering himself a victim of socialist repression.
In the afternoon we finally had the chance to do some sight-seeing in Berlin. There were so many things to see, that a guided bus tour seemed to be the most appropriate solution. Apart from the must see sites in Berlin, we visited the biggest Soviet memorial, drove through the leftist district of Kreuzberg
and passed by the Charlottenburg gate.
In the evening, although quite exhausted we still found resources to work on the presentations of the interviews. Some didn’t finish until midnight.