Home » Multiculturalism


Lari, Leva, Krones and Euros: Young Perspectives on Europe’s Currencies

Cashless payments and cryptocurrencies are gaining ground. Which role do physical banknotes still play for Europe's youth?

Out and About: Searching for Peace in Unlikely Places

Following the traces of World War II in the Baltics, Sheenagh from Ireland stumbled across the transformative impact of exploring war memorials, concentration camps, and the power of shared experiences.

Once Upon A Time In Europe: The Dark Traces Of Folk Tales

How do traditional folk tales shape young personalities all over Europe? To what extent can they serve as a historical source of ancient values and norms, social structures, fantasies and realities? Rusudan from Georgia ... (more)

Divide and Rule

Setting up state systems based on ethnicity or race can have positive effects argued Martin on the example of Singapore. However, dividing a people accordingly can have severe consequences for the social cohesion too, af... (more)

What can we Learn from Singapore? Lessons on Multiculturalism

While Martin spends a year in Singapore, he detects its key to social cohesion - how can multiculturalism work out?

Traces of History: “Multiculturalism in Slovakia in the 20th century – the Bulgarian minority”

Kristina Christozova Born in 1995 in Martin, Slovakia “Multiculturalism in Slovakia in the 20th century – the Bulgarian minority” (2012) Kristina was born into a bicultural family – her mother is Slovak and her father is... (more)