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Page 38 – EUSTORY History Campus

You can leave your map on

Among many other interesting  – and before unexperienced – challenges, our participants also took the roles of geography/history lecturers, who presented shifts in the borders of their countries as well as th... (more)

What really happened … during the Paris Peace Conference

During the seminar ‘End of Empires’ in Slovenia, our participants discussed a lot about how decisions about border changes the division of territory and the founding of new national states often were made by ... (more)


Our Eustory youth academy in Ljubljana is ending. We only have few hours together left before we all leave to airports and departure towards our home-countries. However, it is important to emphasise what a wonderful last... (more)

DAY 5: Overwhelming expectations

At 7.30, after a really long night our Bojan was already waiting for us to go to Trieste, on the Italian side of the border. After a bus ride that nobody remembers, because everybody was sleeping, we walked in the rain t... (more)

DAY 4: Let’s sail to the future together: Simulation in the city of Sleepyville

We started our fourth day very positively, since we had some sweet and necessary sleep after spending the night before eating a huge amount of sweets coming from different European countries (it would be impolite not to ... (more)

DAY 3: The prison report and development of Eustorian democracy in Slovenia

Today some strange noises were heard at the heart of Ljubljana. Hawaiian music, toaster and mixer sounds, elephant trumpets. The only words, which reached us, were “Oh, James”. A reliable source of information revealed t... (more)

DAY 2: Into the Wild, crossing borders

When the alarms rang at 6:30 a.m., we were drowsy and still unaware that we would return to Celica Hostel twelve hours later with a new perspective on the Slovenian borders, minorities and history. But after a few cups o... (more)

Day 1: Handwritten…

This blog post reached us in a physical way: Handwritten on paper. We decided to publish it like that, not because we were too lazy to type, but to keep its originality. Thank you, Elitsa