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Page 33 – EUSTORY History Campus

Nice, quiet and hardworking children of war – the legacy of war lives in Finland

  One lifetime has passed since the end of World War II. During the war, Finland was fighting wars of its own against the Soviet Union, first in 1939–1940 and then in 1941–1944. This interview with researcher Jenni ... (more)

Identity – the Magic Word of our Days?

The Balticeye-exhibition displays visual impressions by young Europeans on history and identity. One participant, Maria Zatoplyaeva from Kaliningrad explains why European identity is diverse.

Auschwitz and me – Insights From an International Youth Encounter

About 80 young people from Germany and around travelled to Auschwitz for an international youth encounter organised by the German Bundestag (Parliament). Back home, Julia (18) reflects on what history can teach us.

1989 Turning Point in Berlin: Brandenburger Tor

History is Personal! Interview With Children of the Revolution on the Importance of 1989

  1989 marked a change of epoch in Europe. Twenty-five years ago, the peaceful revolutions in Eastern Germany and Europe saw the fall of totalitarian regimes and borders. Like in a relay, the movements for freedom and in... (more)

Is History an Obstacle to Future Peace Building?

Daniel Gjokjeski (28) from Macedonia summed up his impressions from some events he attended recently, all reflecting possible ways of fostering peace in the Western Balkans. Daniel asks the vital question: How much are w... (more)

History Camp 2014 in Oslo | Photo: Tina Gotthardt

“The Absence of war is far From Being Peace“

There are so many present problems and pressing issues which are linked to World War I, the prime catastrophe of the 20th century. At the same time it shows that hardly anyone learns from history. Haris Huremagić (20), a... (more)

Group photo EUSTORY History Camp "Tuscany 1944 / 2014" | Photo: Katja Fausser

War Crimes in Tuscany in 1944 – a Historical Exploration

A group of young German and Italian students met in Castelnuovo Berardenga in Tuscany for eight days of intensive digging into a dark chapter of the local German-Italian history: The German massacre at the end of World W... (more)

History Camp 2014 in Oslo | Photo: Tina Gotthardt

The »Concept of Trust« as a Determining Factor in Norwegian Politics and Society

Twenty-three young Europeans from 12 countries met in Oslo for the Eustory History Camp “National Constitutions and European Democracies in Times of Crisis”. Read how participant Jan Schmelter (19) reflects o... (more)

Lecture providing historical context

@work in Norway: Europe@Debate

Twenty-three young Europeans from 12 countries met in Oslo for the Eustory History Camp “National Constitutions and European Democracies in Times of Crisis”. Read here from their daily blog.

@work in Norway: Exploring Norwegian History

Twenty-three young Europeans from 12 countries met in Oslo for the Eustory History Camp “National Constitutions and European Democracies in Times of Crisis”. Read here from their daily blog.