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Page 13 – EUSTORY History Campus

What It’s Like to Be an Author for the EUSTORY History Campus Blog

In autumn 2019, I was officially honored with the opportunity of becoming a EUSTORY History Campus Blog author with the article “Love for Writing Runs in My Blood”. I consider this as one of the most important achievemen... (more)

Where Were You When… The Transition of 1989 Took Place in Europe?

Where were you when the transition took place in Europe in 1989? Trixi from Germany spoke to four EUSTORY organisers who share their personal stories of how they experienced the transition.

Summit Day 3

After three intense and very productive days in the workshop groups, it was time to present your results on stage: photographic collages linking Berlin-impressions with personal stories, an emotional stage performance ab... (more)

GIFs in a day of EUSTORY Summit Participants

Have a look into the diary of one of the participants of the EUSTORY Next Generation Summit 2019. How to describe it in GIFs?! Enjoy!

Our Personal “Wind of Change”

Phillip (Germany), Miguel (Spain), Julia (Switzerland) asked participants of the EUSTORY Summit 2019 about the very personal meaning of "change".

Summit Team @work

  While you’re busy preparing your final presentations for today’s closing event, the summit team is working, too…

Summit Day 2

  Exploring times of transition in the city of Berlin and keep on working in the Alte Börse – the second day of the EUSTORY Summit 2019 comes to an end. That means: One day left to show your peers what you and your group... (more)

Summit Day 1

  What an active first day! Welcome address at the Alte Börse in Berlin-Marzahn, followed by intense hours within the workshop groups and a visit of the German parliament’s dome at night! (Photos 1-7: ©David Ausser... (more)

The Summit in a Nutshell

When 120 young Europeans from 29 countries come together in Berlin to creatively deal with the legacies of European transitions in 8 workshops, intense experiences are guaranteed..!