Young authors from all over Europe regularly publish blog posts about current events, discuss the relevance of historical anniversaries and share their personal approaches to issues related to history and identity in Europe. You can navigate the EUSTORY History Campus Blog by choosing a category or scrolling through the entire blog.
The History Campus Blog features a variety of topics, articles and formats. Check out the articles on personal artefacts, experiences and thoughts of young Europeans in the Memory Suitcase, learn about their views on current political events and debates in European countries in #callEurope, see them @work at one of the various seminars and projects, find out how historical events effect people on the personal level in Where were you when, explore the thoughts and intercultural learnings of young Europeans travelling abroad in The Image of the Other and follow the discussion on the means of Heritage & Identity for Europes present and future. You can find all the categories and all the posts of the History Campus Blog in the Archive.
Created by Chance: Informal Gatherings Between Magic and Horror
Some events and developments in European history are the result of pure spontaneity. Members of the EUSTORY History Campus editorial team traced this question a...
Graduating High School – in Times of War
Even in peaceful times, graduating high school and starting a new chapter in life can be a stressful experience. But how does it feel to graduate when your coun...
Kreuzberg – The Berlin Face of Contrasts
What are the reasons to live in Kreuzberg and is it a good place for young people? How diverse and culturally appealing is it? While in Germany’s capital city, ...
#LivingBelgium: A Country With Multiple Personalities
How come Belgium spent nearly two years without a government? Does a Belgian identity really exist? Is a life without French fries possible in Belgium? While sp...
What if… You Were an Actor/Actress in Ancient Greece?
Greek theatre reconsidered: During their journey to Greece, young theatre makers from Spain dived into ancient times. What if they had been acting centuries ago...
How a German School Resists Far-Right Violence
In 2019, German politician Walter LĂĽbcke was assassinated. The students of the school in his hometown reacted immediately and set a sign against far-right viole...
#LivingTirana: Welcome to the Land of the Eagles
A capital city in radical upheaval. A coastline which can easily compete with Greece and Croatia. 200,000 bunkers for a country with less than three million inh...
Where Were You When… The Results of the Brexit Referendum Were Announced?
In June 2016, Great Britain decided to leave the European Union. Six years later, our author Antonius wondered: How do young Europeans remember the day after th...
Food for Thought: What my Family Trip to Morocco Taught me
Only 14 km separate Spain from Morocco. No surprise that their pasts are closely intertwined. The Muslim cultural heritage is quite visible in Spain, but negati...