Home » Seminars and Projects » EUSTORY Summit 2017 Workshop Results » Resist Violence: An Artistic Journey through Past and Present Europe

Resist Violence: An Artistic Journey through Past and Present Europe

This content was developed during a workshop at the EUSTORY Next Generation Summit 2017 from 6 to 10 October 2017 in Berlin. It brought together 100 participants from Europe and beyond who worked together with experts from the fields of academia, journalism, education and arts to explore, analyse, discuss different historical topics and highlighte their relevance for a changing Europe today.

Populist nationalisms, resentments, hate and violence: The future of Europe appears fragile and precarious. But how are young people personally affected by this harsh climate of crisis? Were they ever faced with experiences of strong forces in their everyday life? And how can one spot the roots of violence in order to resist it in the future? Participants of the workshop artistically approached the topic of virulent force and violence in the history and present of Europe.

The participants already brought texts, songs and other artistic reflections with them to Berlin and together they created a moving and poetic performance on the many faces and shapes of force and violence from their personal experience or near surroundings which they performed at the final event on October 9. See five excerpts from the performance below!


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This Summit is about very diverse experiences but despite this we can have common aims and shared values. That is what bonds us and relates us. Diverisity does not always have to do with conflict, it can also lead to a common aim.

Workshop participant Ronja from Germany

Workshop Partner

The Marc Sinan Company produces musical projects linking different media, cultures and genres. Its concert performances have been honoured with several awards and the ensemble is a familiar face at prestigious venues and festivals on the international stage. Marc Sinan himself is an award-winning composer and guitar player with roots in Germany, Turkey and Armenia.
Further Information: http://marcsinan.com/en/
Workshop leaders: Marc Sinan, composer and guitarist, Holger Kuhla, dramaturge, and Elmira Bahrami, actress, musician and director