The third day of the seminar was a very informative one. The day began with a visit from Paloma Favieres, the representative of the Servicio Juridico del Comite Espanol de Ayuda al Refugiando (CEAR) Madrid.
After another delicious lunch and siesta we were visited by Clare Castillejo, a researcher for FRIDE, who gave us a thorough insight to the legal aspects concerning exile and refugee policy of the European Union. With a great passion she told us about tragic treatmeants that unfortunate exiles has been experiencing and which she had witnessed herself. Ms Castillejo pointed out to us how the current laws concerning the refugees and exiles are used differently all over Europe because there are gaps in the system.
Many questions were asked and it soon became clear that the was very competent when she answered questions that previously had been left unanswered. We compared the refugee policies in our own countries and found similarities as well as significant differences.
The next task we came upon was to create a timeline of the exile history of Europe, mainly spanning over the 20th century. Making the timeline we had to think back on our homework about our own countries’ histories and visualizing this made it clear how the tragic events of the 20th century changed human lives across all Europe.
Now it’s time for us to curl up in our comfortable beds and prepare ourselves for the exciting and important guests of tomorrow. We are so privileged!