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Page 6 – EUSTORY History Campus

Moldova’s Pathway Through the 20th Century

In an interactive map, Ilinca, Veronica and Oxana from Moldova show how a painful past and present Moldovan identities belong together.

2020: With and Beyond Corona

2020 was the year of Corona - but there are many moments of hope. We share some of the our perspectives on this extraordinary year. 

two men in front of an indoor pool

Spirit and Body on Trial – Bulgarian Athletes during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The lockdowns at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic made doing sports difficult – a hard time for all sportsmen and –women. Decho Pavlov describes how he managed to endure this standtill.

The Threads of Resilience – Experiences of 4 Women

How to endure a crisis? How to stay strong when life is tangled? Four women, four countries, four stories. What they have in common: They have taken lose strings to create something new. Because anything you've dreamed o... (more)

The Censored Voices of the Carnation Revolution in Portugal

A story of revolution, hunger and censorship told by members of Cláudia Almeida‘s family. They witnessed the fall of the dictatorship in Portugal and the Carnation Revolution in 1974. What was it like be a child or worke... (more)

A Safe Space for LGBTQ+ People in a German Community

Members of the LGBTQ+-community still face various forms of discrimination in Germany which makes safe spaces for LGBTQ+ people all the more important. Anna Leven presents one of them, the Zentrum Weissenburg in Stuttgar... (more)

Chasing Memories – A Family Story From Bulgaria

A story about the Socialist regime in Bulgaria and the hatred of a father towards everyone associated with it. A story about love and separation, sadness and death, but also about gathering the pieces of a broken family ... (more)

The Power of Hope in Wartimes in a Georgian Village

Imagine a tiny mountainous Georgian village in early 1942. No death notifications have arrived yet. People hope that the war will end soon. Optimistically, villagers decide to build a new school for their children. This ... (more)

Wild Nineties in Russia – From a Woman’s Perspective

Liza Propenkova tells the story of Ekaterina, who experienced the „wild“ nineties in Saint Petersburg, Russia and how she dealt with the various crises that she encountered during those years.