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Page 16 – EUSTORY History Campus

Workshop Retrospect: Disturbing the Peace?

The Art of Remembrance: Coping with the Legacy of Perpetrators in History

With each passing day, we have less and less of a connection to what came before us. History needs to be re-narrated consistently if we want to save it from oblivion. The legacy of perpetrators in history is an issue tha... (more)

100 Years After: The Name of Death

It was one of the biggest pandemics of all time. It is said to have killed millions by spreading on all inhabited continents within just one year – the Spanish flu caused fear and despair all over the world. But how is i... (more)

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Where Were You When… the War in Ukraine Began in 2014?

The conflict between Ukraine and Russia is back on the international agenda.On a political level, we can trace all the steps in the series of armed confrontations. But how do young people experience these times? We talke... (more)

Next Generation Summit 2018

Cecilio Gordillo talking to participants of the Summit

Cecilio Gordillo talking to participants of the workshop “Disturbing the Peace?” at the EUSTORY Summit. Photo: Körber-Stiftung

tweet; Paris Peace Conference

1919: A Special Blue Carrier Pigeon of Peace

How to lose one third of your empire in 140 characters? Today we can hardly imagine the political sphere without daily tweets and constant online communication. Imagine how political life and our world would have looked ... (more)